Testing Technology for Remote Exploration

MIT Space Exploration Initiative
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
October 2022

In October 2022, the MIT Space Exploration Initiative participated in a two-week field school in Svalbard, an archipelago located in the Arctic Ocean between mainland Norway and the North Pole. During this program, our efforts were dedicated to testing a variety of cutting-edge technologies. These included virtual reality for remote geological observation, intelligent mapping algorithms for underwater and planetary science robotics, and emergency plant support systems tailored for harsh environments.


Capturing the Moon | Cody Paige

Sea2Space | Jessica Todd

AgriThrive | Somayajulu Dhulipala

Analog Environments Study | Sana Sharma

Architecture Habitat | Joe Kennedy

Researchers: Cody Paige, PhD Candidate, MIT AeroAstro
Jessica Todd, PhD Candidate, MIT AeroAstro, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Somayajulu Dhulipala, PhD Candidate, MIT MechE
Sana Sharma, Designer & Researcher, MIT Space Exploration Initiative
Joe Kennedy, PhD Candidate, Harvard Graduate School of Design

Special thanks: 
MIT Media Lab
Trond Storm Johansen
Czech Arctic Research Station

Photos: Maggie Coblentz